Most frequent questions and answers

Your beat(s) will be instantly available for download directly from the order summary page once you checkout and your payment has been processed.  You will also receive a confirmation email with the download links.

Yes. All licenses come with only one tag throughout the beginning of the beat(s), regardless of which license you purchase.

I accept Credit Card payments at the moment.

No. the beat will be removed from the beatstore only if you purchase the exclusive rights to the beats. Currently, I am not selling any exclusive rights at this time.

Yes, but certain mobile devices can have compatibility issues when downloading the files directly to the phone. It is advisable to download the files to your desktop or laptop using the link in the confirmation email you’ll receive after a successful checkout. Don’t worry if you navigate away from the order summary page on your phone, you’ll be linked back to it in the email to get your files.

Download links to the beat files and license agreement will appear on your order summary page once you complete the checkout process. Additionally, an email will be sent to the address provided at checkout with the download links immediately after purchase. Be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see the email right away. 

Stems (also known as trackouts) are the individual audio files that make up a beat, meaning each sound within the beat will be sent as a separate high quality WAV audio file. Leases that include stems are ideal if you plan on recording your song in a professional studio and want to have full control over mixing each instrument around your vocals.

When you purchase a beat lease, you are simply buying the rights to use the beat in a limited and non-exclusive capacity. King Of Orange Beats retains full copyright ownership over the composition and is allowed to continuously sell non-exclusive licenses of that same beat to other artists until someone purchases the Exclusive Rights to the beat. At that point, the beat will be immediately removed from our beat store and ownership rights are granted to the purchaser.

You must upgrade your lease to the next tier by contacting us. The cost of the upgrade is simply the price of the new lease minus the amount you already paid for your original lease.

The purchase of Exclusive Rights to a beat does not impact the status or validity of previous licensees so you do not need to remove your music from streaming services, social media, etc. for the full term of your lease agreement.

The usage rights are the same for both: you get unlimited sales, streams, etc. The difference is, if you purchase the Exclusive, the ownership rights to the beat are transferred to you and the beat is immediately removed from our beat store, never to be sold to another artist again. The Unlimited License is still non-exclusive, so even though you get the same usage rights as if you owned the Exclusive, the beat will remain in our beat store for others to lease or buy.

Contact Me

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